Friday, December 22, 2006

Biography-ترجمة ذاتية

هو فضيلةالشيخ الدكتور عبد المحسن بن محمد بن عبد الرحمن القاسم ينتهي نسبه الى عاصم جد القبيلة الشهيرة بنجد من قحطان
ولد الشيخ بمكة المكرمة عام 1388من الهجرة
نشأ الشيخ في بيت علم ودين فجده ووالده هما من جمع فتاوى شيخ الاسلام ابن تيمية وفتاوى ائمة الدعوة النجدية وبدأ الشيخ في طلب العلم منذ نعومة اظفاره فحفظ القران ولازم عددا من أهل العلم من أبرزهم :

الشيخ عبد الله بن حميد رحمه الله
الشيخ عبد العزيز بن باز رحمه الله
الشيخ صالح بن علي الناصر رحمه الله
والشيخ المحدث عبد الله السعد
وغيرهم من اهل العلم‏*‏*

كما ان الشيخ قد اجيز في عدة قراات من القراات العشر وممن قرأ عليهم
الشيخ احمد الزيات رحمه الله
الشيخ علي الحذيفي
الشيخ ابراهيم الاخضر
الشيخ محمد الطرهوني وغيرهم

تخرج الشيخ من كلية الشريعة بالرياض عام 1410
ثم واصل في المعهد العالي للقضاء وحصل على الماجستير عام 1413
عين بعد ذلك ملازما قضائيا في الرياض ثم عين قاضيا في منطقة تبوك في محكمة البدع
ثم عين الشيخ اماما للمسجد النبوي عام 1418 ونقل الى محكمة المدينة النبوية
والشيخ له عدة مؤلفات منها الخطب المنبرية ، تيسير الوصول شرح ثلاثة الاصول،والمسبوك حاشية تحفة الملوك (في الفقه الحنفي) وغيرها
Sheikh Abdul Muhsin Al-Qasim Imam of Masjid An-Nabawi

 He is a skilful Qari, a strong dedicated Judge, a eloquent Khateeb, a well versed Jurist, a man distinguished for his excellent characters and humbleness, keen on learning sciences, preaching them, helping mankind

 He is His Eminence Sheikh and Doctor Abdul Muhsin bin Muhammad bin Abur Rahman Al-Qasim, he comes from a famous tribe of Najd from Qahtaan

He was born in Makkah in the year 1388 Hijrah. He grew up in a house of deen and knowledgefor his grandfather and father were from the grouping of the Fatwas of Sheikh Al-Islaam ibn Taymiyya and the Fatwas of the imams of Najd.. Sheikh Qasim began as a student of knowledge at a very young age; he memorized the Qur’an at a young age. Amongst the prominent people of knowledge with whom he studied from were:
 Sheikh Abdullah bin Humaid Rahimahullah
'Abdul-'Aziz bin 'Abd-Allah bin Baz Rahimahullah
Sheikh Salih bin Ali An-Nasir Rahimahullah
Sheikh Al-Muhaddith Abdullah As-Sa’d
And other scholars

It is also said that Sheikh was given ijaaza in some of the Qurraat from the 10 Qurrat and from amongst whom he read to are:
Sheikh Ahmad Az-Zayyat Rahimahullah
Sheikh Ali Hudhaify
Sheikh Ibrahim al-Akhdhar
Sheikh Muhammad Al-Tarhoony

He graduated from the College of Sharia in Riyaadh in the year 1410. He continued higher education for judges and obtained his masters in the year 1413. He was appointed as (inherent judicial) in Riyaadh then appointed as judge in the Tabook in the Judiciary of Innovatoin. He was then appointed as Imam of Masjid An-Nabawi in the year 1418 he was moved (as judge) to the city of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The Sheikh has written several books; amongst them are Khutub Al-Munbariyya (khutbahs), Facilitating Attainment in the Explanation of the Three Usool, Book on Hanafi Fiqh, Formulated Annotation of the Masterpiece of (Scholars) in the Hanafi Fiqh and others.

Sheikh has dars in Masjid An-Nabawi shareef (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) after salaat Al-Ishaa in eastern expansion of the Masjid. This is a rough translation.

If anyone notices any mistakes, please contact us through comments or via email ( and inform us. JazakAllah khair


Sheikh Abdul Muhsin Al Qaasim Fan!!! said...

please can someone transalate this is english

fan of sheikh usama khayyat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fan of sheikh usama khayyat said...

Is Dr. Shaikh Abdul Mohsen Bin Mohammad Bin Abdul Rahman Al-Qasim ends attributed to Asim very famous tribe of Najd Qahtan
Sheikh was born in Makkah in 1388 of migration
Sheikh grew up in the house of science and religion Vgda and his father are two of the collection Fataawa Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and opinions of Imams invited Sheikh of Najd and started the application of science since childhood Keeping the Koran and we have a number of scholars, most notably:

Sheikh Abdullah bin Humaid (RA)
Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Al Asshayukh (RA)
Sheikh Saleh bin Ali Al-Nasser (RA)Sheikh Wali-Ullah (RA) and Sheikh Abdullah Al-Saad (RA)
And other scholars *

The Sheikh had been passed several Aqraat Alaqraat of the ten people who read them
Sheikh Usamaah Al Ahmed bin Abdullah Khayyat (RA)
Sheikh Ali Alhodaifi (RA)
Sheikh Ibrahim Al Akhtdar (RA)
Sheikh Salaah Bin Mohammed Al Budair (RA)
and Sheikh Wakhuraoh Tarhuni (RA)

Sheikh graduated from the Faculty of Sharia in Riyadh in 1410
And then continued at the Higher Institute of Justice and received a master's degree in 1413
Was then appointed lieutenant prosecuted in Riyadh and was appointed a judge of the district court in Tabuk fads
Then appointed Sheikh Imam of the Prophet's Mosque in 1418 and was transferred to the city court of the Prophet
Sheikh and his several books, including speeches minbar, to facilitate access explain the three assets, and cast a footnote masterpiece of the Kings (in the Hanafi jurisprudence) and others

Anonymous said...

First time hearing her voice when he led maghrib salah. Beautiful voice and unique. Back from umrah, I search the all Madinah imams and I found it in haramain.

May Allah give bless and good health to Sheikh Abdul Muhsin.

Miss my haramain.

zeynah said...

Marshallah,amazing biography about Sheikh Abdul-Muhsin May Allah Bless him throughout his life Ameen!

Anonymous said...

i like this Sheikh very much please help me so that i can be like him

Anonymous said...

the inspirational figurein my life is this Sheikh may you live longer

Anonymous said...

to watch and download Sheik's(hafidahou Allah) darss after isha prayer in Masjid Nabawi

jalaludeen said...

assalaam u alaikum wr wb... i love his voice but i just had one question that y his beard is of this size??? i mean is it because it does not grow more than this or it his opinion that cutting beard less than fist size is jaaiz????

jaleeludeen said...

i love his voice but i just had one question that why his beard is of this size??? i mean is it because it does not grow more than this or it his opinion that cutting beard less than fist size is allowed???

jalaludeen said...

أنا أحب صوته لكن لم يكن لدي سؤال واحد فقط لهذا السبب لحيته هو من هذا الحجم؟؟؟ أعنيه هو لأنه لا ينمو أكثر من هذا أو أنه رأيه أن يسمح لحية قطع أقل من حجم قبضة؟؟؟

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Masud said...

I pray to Allah,, one day i will meet my favorite sheik Imam Mohsin al qasim and tell him that he has changed my life ever since i heard his recitation.. I am his biggest fan ..:-) may Allah keep him the imam of Masjid Nabawi for a very long time.

SAQ said...


Unknown said...

he is the best reciter i ever heard mashaallah

Unknown said...

Alhamdulliah I m meeting him at Assam (INDIA)


Aslamualaikum I love him and I was met you madina sarif

Anonymous said...

May Allah give Barakah to life of Sheikh aameen

Unknown said...

i love him

Anonymous said...

Masha Allah Sheikh Abdul Mohsin Al-Qasim is an amazing Imaam. His Quran recitation is eloquent and beautiful so mesmerizing. May Allah bless him.

Anonymous said...

Assalamo Alaikum, I heard the Beautiful Qirrat with Sweet Tilawat e Qurat by Qari Abdul Muhsin Al-Qasim in Isha prayer after Hajj 1437-38 Hijri while in Madina. Amazing voice during Salah/Namaz which attracts the heart.

I did not knew about his name then I asked an Arabic brother who told me about Qari Adul Mushin Al-Qasim. Then I searched the Internet (thanks Mobily Sim 3G network) and I found him at Youtube and one Website. But your BLOG gave his Biography which is very informative. May Allah keep guiding Hafiz Abdul Muhsin Al-Qasim and you and all Muslims and Humanity.

Anonymous said...

I love him really and I pray that Allah make it possible to meet him Inn Shaa Allah

Unknown said...

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته. حياكم الله هذا أخوكم في الله، معاذ بن إبراهيم. أنا أحب وسأكون مشترفا ومسرورا جدا أن أحصل على رقم الشيخ عبد المحسن بن محمد القاسم، لو سمحتم، جزاكم الله خيرا

Unknown said...